Saturday, February 7, 2015

entangle yourself, play with multiple consciousness-es....

<<<SECTION I: movements entangled & entangling, intentional & historical 

Dixon. 2014. Another Politics. California. 978-0520279025. ASIN: B00KOLR378.
Paoletti. 2013. Pink and Blue. Indiana. 978-0253009852. ASIN: B007A0PHL0.
Reed. 2005. The Art of Protest: Culture and Activism from the Civil Rights Movement to the Streets of Seattle. Minnesota. 9780816637713
Sandoval. 2000. Methodology of the Oppressed. Minnesota. 9780816627370 

Thursday 29 January – Intro: Dixon, (Reed), Sandoval, (double bind, trans-waters) 
Thursday 5 February – Reed, Paoletti 
Thursday 12 February – Dixon, Sandoval 
Thursday 19 February – Sandoval, Paoletti <PAOLETTI AT CLASS> 

Thursday 12 February – consciousness? what's that? 

• READ: • everyone read Lurie, "How to Read a Book in Two hours or Less," online here:   (If you were going to cite this article, how would you do so? Bring your citation in: forms for in text, footnote, bibliography. ) • Then, try this practice with Dixon and see what you can do with it, what you notice about the practice, how it makes you FEEL! and anything else you notice about it while you do it ("paying attention to what happens as it happens"). Take notes on how it feels as well as anything else you want notes about.
• ALSO READ: Sandoval through the index. We will do this one with pp. 236-239. Focus on these entries, and read back through the text using these to direct your attention:
=Coalition, Coalitional consciousness, Coatlicue, Cognitive Mapping
=Cyborg skills
=Differential consciousness, Differential knowledges, Differential politics, Differential powers and activism, Differential social movement, Differential transits, Differential: la conciencia de la mestiza
=Oppositional consciousness

•RECOMMENDED: Burgett & Mendler, eds. 2014 (2nd ed). Keywords for American Cultural Studies. TERMS: Berlant, "Citizenship" (41-45); Nyong'o, "Subject" (231-235).
•ALSO RECOMMENDED: on the Wikipedia: "Consciousness," here:

Please review the website and syllabus on assignments: TAB: what to do! make it fun! ; and TAB: readings, on presentation .


Chris Dixon: “Another Politics: Talking Across Today’s Transformative Movements” from Fairhaven College, WWU on Vimeo.

Katie experiments with one of the simplest distance reading techniques: a very simple visualization called a Word Cloud. She converts the text of the Sandoval index entry "Citizen-subject" to this Word Cloud:

Made at ManyEyes:
See also:
On Word Cloud generators:
Alternative word clouds: Jason Davies:

Word Sift:






Another extremely simple (overly so in many ways) historical visualization is the Google ngram. Big data and distance reading work in simple action: Here is one to see frequencies of terms double consciousness, double bind, intersectionality from 1800-2000 in English books:



<Sandoval 2000>

=reflects back upon ~20th c. & global colonialism
+ US Third World Women
+ politics of theorists ag. assumptions of their nonpolitical privilege, e.g. Barthes, Derrida 
w. synthesis of post-structuralist THEORY: eg.  

<Reed 2005>

=reflects back upon 60’s movements esp. US
+ art as element of longevity while tactics alter
+ historical details ag. amnesia
w. synthesis of new social movements THEORY: eg. 

<Dixon 2014>

=interviews across current movements esp. North American
+ picks up history where Reed leaves off
+ time and tactics caught up together
w. synthesis of prefigurative politics & anarchist THEORY; e.g.





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